Saturday, January 26, 2008


So lately since Jude has been incessant in his pushing me to work on my photography and take it more seriously than I do...I have decided that perhaps I should and have decided to start learning more about digital photography and taking more pictures as of late. It has always been my dream to be a photgrapher for National Geographic (which is unrealisitc...but hey one can dream) so I might as well live life to the fullest!
I know more about simple 35 mm film photography but the world as always is changing. I still love film and most people think I am crazy but I especially love it for it's grainy look and it's old fashion look (especially in black and white film). When I look at old pictures from way back when photography began, I LOVE how dated and unique it looks!!! I miss being in a dark room and developing my own film....but alas I have grown to love the option of having crisp clear photo's and not having to pay for my mistakes....I do now love the luxury of digital SLR cameras!

When I bought my SLR the man in the store told me to "chuck" my film camera to which I promptly responding by saying "Are you crazy, NO WAY...I LOVE ALL MY CAMERA'S!" And it is true. I do love all 3 of my camera's, even if one of them was given to me by some random guy I worked with at Tommy Hilfiger....and is probably "HOT" (stolen)...but hey...I got a free camera from him even when I told him NOT to give it to me...and my mother seems to enjoy it's use since she has now claimed it should be hers since it probably was stolen anyway. (finding the logic in that is still so difficult!)
So I have asked my friend Rose (who is wonderful at websites and all that computer stuff!!!) to help me set up a website base solely on my photography...and perhaps I will be able to sell some pieces...that would then take another thing off of my 'Life list' of things to do before i kick the bucket! go out and find some great photo equipment before I travel to Nigeria...$$$...but truly worth it! I hope that all goes well...and hey come and support me!!! :-)

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