Wednesday, December 13, 2006


WOW...Today was a crazy and insane day! I went to work feeling nervous yet calm all at the same time...more of a feeling of excitement. (I was too preoccupied with it coming today that I left a note for my mom asking her to call me when it arrived). Hours later, mother calls me at work. She tells me the package is here, she opened it but didn't look inside. She asked if she should but I told her I wanted to be the first to know. After waiting an hour...working (thank goodness it suddenly became really busy so I was preoccupied with other things than just worrying about my visa)...I drove the 15 minutes home for I opened my passport...inside was my VISA!!!!! AND...the craziest part about it was...that it looked exactly like it did in my dream!!! CRAZY! So ya...sometimes I have prophetic dreams and that really creeps everyone out and they think I am a weirdo...but hey...look at this now!!!
So now I will work on finalizing my plans. First the Dominican for a week with my family...then Nigeria...then is going to be looking good...a lot better than 2006! THANKS BE TO GOD!!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

dreamer is 8:09 am and I am just about to head off to work for the day. I pray that I will stay calm and at peace today...for I think my package will be here today. Last night I read verses about discernment...b/c I want to be able to correctly discern God's will...and sometimes that is a really difficult thing. In the end I prayed that my hearts desires would be in line with God's and that He would show me the way. Last night I had two dreams...near each other...but different. In both dreams I was granted my visa and actually saw the visa in my passport...both times! It looked different than my old we will see whether my dreams come true or if they are just playing jokes on me...

So off to work and then if I get my package today...I will tell the news...good or bad!

Until then...I can only stand here and wait....

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Sunday, December 10, 2006


Last night I arrived home from a late night working and looked online to "track" my package. (It should be here by this week...YIKES!) My package contains all of my documents which are returning to me that I had sent in to apply for my visa to Nigeria. Now, this is the 4th time that I am applying (maybe I am pushing it and should just give in to what may be Gods will...that I don't ever get to return to Nigeria.) I am so incredibly nervous. More nervous than I have felt in years! I keep dreaming about Nigeria (not that I don't already dream of Nigeria since I went there the first time,) and my dreams are extremely confusing. I am a dreamer...usually some part of my dream will come true or will be telling of something...but when I am dreaming both that I am denied (for reasons so ludicrous that it would make you laugh such as because I can't handle bugs or the climate,) as well as dreaming that I do end up going. GOD...what is suppose to happen? If I get my visa this time what does that mean? If I don't, should I stop trying and give up on the desire in my heart to travel back to Africa? Of course there are people I desperately would love to see...but it is Nigeria that I long for as well. I reminisce about the smells, the sounds, the sights. Africa is a beauty, it calls me, it is under my skin and I can't stop thinking about it. What do I do with a westerner who can't seem to understand why she has such a strong desire (and had one ever since she was a little girl) to be in Africa?

God only knows the future. We can only wait, pray, and continue on our path no matter what the outcome is. I just have to remember to keep my faith aligned with God's will. This is the most important thing that I have to always remind myself of.

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Friday, December 8, 2006

A new start...

This is officially my first post. This blogspot is going to be for my travels and adventures in the next here I am kicking it off and starting my page.

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