Friday, February 8, 2008

The Interview


Probably one of the things in life that I really do NOT like. Before I go into and interview I get really worked up...I have sweaty palms, my heart beats uncontrollably and I go through answers in my head over and over again. I pray and pray through out the whole interview and find myself having almost more of a conversation with God than with the interviewer. Here is a senario:

Interviewer: "How would you say that you...."(fill in blank)

Me: (while he is talking and asking me questions) "oh great, not this kind of question...let me think...OH GOD HELP...let me answer be a good one! Don't let me stumble over my words. Allow me to articulate what I want to say!"

Me: "I believe that...." (fill in the blank)

Interviewer: RESPONDS...

Me: (thinking while he is talking) "GOD...HELP ME...SO MANY QUESTIONS...HELP ME! OH CRAP...what did he just say...ok listen RACHEL..PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT HE IS SAYING!"

That is me in a typical situation. I can barely drink my water and have to really concentrate on what is going on so that my thoughts/prayers/conversations with God don't make me close my ears to what is being asked.

So for this last interview, I have no idea how it went. I was told that I had some strong competition. (GREAT :-( BOO!) The interview was pushing 3 hours and there was so much information that I think I would have to ask again what was said if I am offered this job. The job seems like a great opportunity, a lot of hard work and a 2 year contract. There are benefits and of course challenges, but at this point in time all I feel is that I have to pray about it and pray for discernment about what to do IF and IF i am offered this job...God will do the rest and that is all.

I find out probably in a few weeks, so until now...I am just letting it rest and trying not to think about it...if I am not offered this job, I am certain that God has something else planned, so no worries right!?

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