Friday, February 23, 2007


Well here I am back in Canada...tired, jet-lagged...getting ready for Australia...missing Nigeria and Jude...and writing my blog. I thought that I would be a diligent blog writer but instead of writing blogs I sent mass e-mails about my any of you who are reading this and didn't get those e-mails...enjoy the short version of my trip! As for those of you who received my e-mails...sorry if this is all repetitive!

Where to begin...I cannot even begin to describe the adventures that I had, the relaxation, the tiredness, the intensity, the joy, the fun...but I will try. Returning to Nigeria was so amazing. On the plane from London to Abuja I was so excited that my heart was racing...I thought it was a side effect from my malaria pills, but it turns out that I was just nervously excited to see Jude again. Walking off the plane into the familiar smells and heat of Nigeria felt great. The airport was a breeze and my bags weren't even opened...being with Bola really helped since he knew the customs officers. Waiting for me was Jude and his father. I was so overwhelmed, tired, nervous, excited and happy that it was difficult for me to talk...and he too was feeling the same way.
My time was all backwards so when it was morning, I thought it was later in the day. We spent some time around Abuja but I was so exhausted that I had to come back and sleep. We left to Jos and spent a great deal of time there meeting Jude's friends, going to shows, hanging out with Enzo (Jude's close friend and now a good friend of mine as well). Later we travelled to Port Harcourt and had a breakdown along the way....switched to a packed station wagon...feeling hot and uncomfortable...stayed in Enugu for the night and then made our way to Port Harcourt the next day. Along the way we say a great deal of garbage and what seemed to be a graveyard of old rusted cars and trucks. Let's just say that this area was not my favourite...and I was missing Jos and Abuja.
The following weeks were spent hanging out with people, going to shows, meeting with missionaries, going to an HIV foundation, having intense conversations about the future and travelling. The stories can never truly be told in a way that will shed even a glimpse of what it was like...but at least I have shared many moments with people who know how amazing these things were.

I miss Nigeria and the people there as well...I know I will be back soon and am looking forward to that...but now I am off to Australia for a few hopefully I will keep up with this writing thing for that trip!

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