Saturday, April 21, 2007

The curse of money...

Money...there is never enough of it in my pocket, nor never NOT enough to live comfortably. Perhaps I am going about everything all wrong. Worrying won't help me...what can I do to obtain more money...and no...I am not trying to obtain money in the greedy sense...but in the sense for my future. Suddenly my future seems so expensive! So many things to think about, where to live, where to work...etc. And all I can think right now is..."oh crap..I am broke" I know many of you don't feel bad for me, and in actuality, I don't pity myself either...for I did choose to take time off from the "real word" to travel for about 5 months. But I am laying in bed at night, worrying about money...worrying about getting a job, worrying about being able to pay off my visa, or my other debts to my parents. Then it hits me..."PHEW" thank goodness I live in Calgary...b/c I can get a job that isn't a concern. But when bills are due and money is lacking at the moment, I get worried. I sit and write out goals, calculating how much money I will need by a certain time of the year to do what is planned, how I will get that, what my budget is etc. I considered forgoing a trip...the Great Ocean Road...but I am still being convinced (especially by my brother Matt and sister in law Katie) that despite my money problems...I should further myself in debt and go and see God's wonders...for this is the only chance I may get...and no one likes to live with regrets...SOO...perhaps I will do that. As for right now...all I can do is pray everything works out and that I find some job to give me some cash here in Aussie land...and to find something quickly when I return home. Money...Worry...what is it all good for...NOTHING! (well the money is always nice ;-) has to live right?!)
What was here a month gone. :-(
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agarba said...

would have been better if those were dollar dollar bills in your hand. cash money!

Abram Huyser Honig said...

hey i can relate! i´m living comfortably in the middle class here in honduras...but not saving much, money-wise, for if / when i moce back to the states...but i think you and me too are probably getting a lot of experience value that more than makes up for the money we could be making working in the US or Canada...have fun! bendiciones! --abe hh

Rachel said...

To ahmadu:

haha...what are dollar dollar bills? american money? that is real is aussie is just really bright and plasticy and colourful! it is real tho...that pic was when i was in sydney tho...the beginning of my trip..and they are 50 dollar bills..and well...half of them were my cousins. i had about $200 dollars...and i wish they were english pounds instead...that would make me happy! :-)

Unknown said...

true...but how can you measure the value of traveling right...

Apical said...

Yes money is nice, my problem is the addiction for it. I think as you get older you get more and more entraped by the addiction. Enjoy the holiday, make it like it is only going to happen once. But have a miny holiday when you get back to recoup from the big show.

Apical said...

Money is nice, just avoid the addiction to it. I find the older you get the more desire for it. Maybe its greed, maybe its the fear of getting poor again. My most fun was when I was poor on holiday. I think you will find the same. Enjoy it all while you can. Make it like it will be your last holiday ever I think. Take care Rach