Monday, May 18, 2009

Fuel Scarcity

This last month in Lagos has been a little crazy for everyone.  For some reason there is a fuel scarcity...meaning that only a certain amount of petrol is available to the public...or rather only a certain amount of petrol is being sold in a day and the rest is being held. Since here in Nigeria, power is not a consistent or constant thing...and even available to some, generators are commonly used everywhere. When I say everywhere, I mean everywhere. If you have a small business you use a generator (ex: places on the side of the road that sell food/beverages that may need to stay cool, or a business where they fix tires or shoes or metal works etc. (anything that may need to be plugged in basically) and small gens are used to power all of these things when there is no light/NEPA and most of these run on petrol. Some generators, like my own and big big ones, usually run on diesel, so I am lucky that way in the sense of not having to have someone queue for my petrol or have none at all. But this fuel thing is affecting everyone. I am not even quite sure what exactly it is about, but what I hear on the news is that there are pricing issues between the government and the oil companies, so fuel is being rationed each day. No one really knows the real reasons as one day you hear that there won't be scarcities, and then the next day they say there will be scarcity of fuel for another 2 no one knows when it will end. It affects our school in the sense of not being able to have light some days if the bus drivers don't get fuel that day. (The drivers usually go and pick all the busing kids up, come to school and go straight to queue for fuel and some days don't come back until its close to closing time for the day) It affects my job because on Tuesdays and Thursdays I am supposed to go and teach art at the other Abbey school branch in KETU (Ketu is the area) but for the last month I have only been able to come a few times, and sometimes i have come late due to waiting until we get fuel to drive there. If there is no fuel at the KETU branch, I can't really go either because I don't have a ride back. So in the end, it really is messing up the lessons that I wanted to get done and now I am having to change things. Hopefully soon, this will end...but all I have to say is, with some things in life...we just take it for granted and you don't realize how blessed we are sometimes until something that may seem little and unsubstantial in everyday life, is taken away or made scarce...that's when you really know how much we rely on some things more than we think! Just some thoughts for everyone to take a minute to think about all the little things in life we are used to...and to appreciate that we can obtain those easily most of the time. Well, until next time...i am out!

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