Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I killed Frank.
Frank was an uninvited guest. I had seen others like him but the sight of him and others like him frightened me so much that I would run away in fear. So late last night I got up from my sleep and wandered to the kitchen and was startled when I saw Frank just there in the middle of the room. My first instinct was to run, call for something...but after a short flea to the hallway, I now decided that this was my place and I wasn't going to let this guy do this to was time that I dealt with him, and others like him before they start taking control of me. I grabbed a weapon, a Nigerian broom, and waited around the corner for him to emerge as if to look for me and capture me. He came around the corner and WHAM...I hit him, then I hit him again and again and again until his body went limp! I had done it...I had really killed Frank and it felt wonderful. All I had to do now was to get rid of his body and the mess. I scooped him up and poured him in the trash and as I stood over him with his brown crunchy body and with his creepy legs I felt a sense of pride. I had stood up to my fear and dealt with to all you dirty cockroaches out there, let this be a lesson to you...I still hate you and you give me the creeps...but I am not scared to come closer to you and end your if you want to live...STAY AWAY from me!!!!!

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